Monday, March 5, 2012

Story Orgy Monday: Even Steven part 9

Good morning and Happy Story Orgy Monday! I have a lil ol' shorty short Hook Up for you today. But first, I have two tidbits to share with you. And, guess what! I'm just gonna move this puppy right along *grin*.

Tidbit #1 – Yeah, baby! I'm freakin' stoked about this one. I know, I know...I'm still yapping about it. But it IS another Story Orgy antho. Well, if you haven't heard yet, Story Orgy is going on a Road Trip. I selected my prompt from a whole list of goodies. Much thanks goes out to Story Orgy reader and prompt winner Scot Adams. His suggested prompts jumped right off the screen at me. They are - college student botanist—creek in the middle of woods in Mississippi—creek or woods is haunted - Thanks, buddy! I can't wait to get our story on paper. 
*For more information about Story Orgy or the other winners, you can hop on over to the Story Orgy Blog.

Tidbit #2 – Ha! It's actually two different ones, but who's counting *chuckles*. Okay, real quick...ready? Em Woods' new release Convincing Symon and Lee's Loving Eden. W00t! Now, you have plenty of reading to do hee hee!

Movin' right along...we're ready for part nine of Even Steven. Hey! Are you over there licking your monitor? *sigh* I know. That guy is pretty yummy, huh? We can thank Story Orgy's very own Jade Basier for that slice of Heaven. 

Annnnnnnd...this week's prompt is; well, it's quite interesting actually - In a bit of magic, your character gets to relive one birthday...

Alrighty then...let's do this!

Even Steven part 9


JR Boyd 

Steven strained to see the blurry image in front of him. His vision grayed and his head pounded. The smell of dirt was overwhelming, suffocating. "Braden?" Steven mumbled.


Steven would recognize that hush anywhere. Unable to muster any more energy, Steven closed his eyes and his body went limp.

"Mommy, where is everybody?" Steven said with his nose pressed to the screen door.

"Braden's mom just called, sweetie. They'll be here shortly. Now, stop leaning on that door before the latch comes undone" Steven's mother tied the last balloon, letting it float to the floor.

Steven turned his back to the door, sad eyes behind a pool of tears. "What about Donny, Randy and Nora?"

"Oh, sweetie." Steven's mother knelt, kissing his forehead. "Nora should be here shortly. Don't cry. It hurts mommy to see you cry."

 Crunching of gravel echoed in the driveway and Steven spun around, socks slipping on the freshly waxed floor.

"Don't you get them socks dirty." Steven's mother called out through her laughter.

Steve launched off the front porch as Braden flung open the car door and they both hit the ground running. Steven chased Braden around the yard, laughing so hard his cheeks hurt. “You made it!”

“You thought I wouldn’t?” Braden stopped running.

"I'm right here, Steven, right here." Braden's words were measured, loving, forcing Steven's eyes to open.  Around him lay some rope and inches away Braden's eyes shimmered behind a smiling smudged face.

"What happened?" Steven asked, rubbing his head.


Aww...I love those childhood memories. And that Braden boy has always been a cutie I reckon. Mmm...sounds good to me. Get him Steven!

Have you been to the other SO writers' blogs? It's easy peasy to get there. C'mon, I'm going now. We can go together...


  1. Aw, what a sweet memory for Steven! I think he's going to need it to get him through whatever is going to happen down in those tunnels!

  2. Love the post JR! Can't wait to read next week's.


  3. *grumbles*

    You've been listening to Hank too much. Repeat after me...I will clarify the mystery, asap.

  4. Loved the memory...need to know what happens next...really - is that too much to ask? *heads desk*
